
書名:VOCABULARY 2000─基礎入門2000單字書(附MP3光碟)(初版六刷 2008年6月)
本書P132頁Orange貴公司有個解釋為柑橘,有一點英文能力的人都知道這個單字是不等於橘子請問貴公司是不是寫錯了,柑橘跟橘子應該是同樣的東西,而 Orange不等於tangerine,還有如果貴公司ㄧ定要寫柑橘這個解釋麻煩請試著比較柑橘跟橘子這兩種水果的差別好嗎?因為很多人搞不清楚,我問我同學也是,網路上也沒特別寫的很清楚@@我們學生一頭霧水

-----以下為三民書局 外文編輯部之回答-----

(1) 朗文當代大辭典(英英英漢雙解) Longman Dictionary of English Language & Culture
    p. 1240
   orange n. 1 [C] a round reddish-yellow bitter-sweet fruit grown in tropical area, wth a thick skin and divided into  
   parts  (SEGMENTS) inside 柑橘,橙
   p. 1789
   tangerine n. 1 [C] a small sweet orange with a loose skin that comes off easily 橘子
(2)牛津高階英漢雙解詞典第六版  Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary 
   orange n. 1{C,U] a round CITRUS fruit with thick reddish-yellow skin and a lot of sweet juice 橙、柑橘
   p. 1805 
   tangerine noun  1 [C] a type of small sweet orange with  loose skin that comes off easily 橘 
(3) 麥克米倫 高級英漢雙解詞典  Macmillan English Dictionary
   p. 1394
   orange 1 [C/U] a round fruit tha has a hard orange-coloured skin called peel, and that divided into parts called
   segments. It  grows on an orange tree. 甜橙、柳橙
   p. 2040
    tangerine  noun [C] a fruit similar to a small orange but with loose skin that is more easily removed 橘子、柑橘
(4) Collins Cobuild English-Chinese 柯伯英漢雙解辭典
    p. 1272
    orange  2 
    An orange is a round fruit that is juicy and sweet. It has a thick skin that is orange in colour, and is divided into  
    sections inside. 柑;橘;橙
  A tangerine is a small, sweet orange with  a loose skin which you can easily remove. 柑橘
(5) Wiki
 請參見此頁中介紹得 Naval orange ,這也是我們一般所知道的柑橘或橘子。  
 It is a variety of the Mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata). Tangerines are smaller than most oranges, and the skin of some  varieties will peel off more easily.
所以根據以上的英英、英漢的字典解釋,我們的中文解釋翻譯,也是沒有問題。綜合以上資料,英文中的orange 的品種種類很多,tangerine 也屬於orange 的一類,所以這樣的理解與解釋並沒有錯誤。


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